Carlucci Rosemont is one of Chicago's most celebrated Italian Restaurants!

Since opening its doors, in 1989, Carlucci has become a local favorite for restaurant patrons throughout Chicagoland, racking up dozens of awards and is frequently recognized by the restaurant industry and local press. Carlucci is listed among the top 50 restaurants to visit in Chicago. Carlucci is the perfect fit for any occasion lunch or dinner. Be it a romantic date, a business meeting, a quick bite before the show or an evening out.

With the addition of seasoned culinary experts-familiar with the nuances of fine Tuscan cooking-Carlucci has raised both taste and service standards. Painstaking attention not only to the palate-but also to presentation and d

  Restaurant Carlucci Rosemont 6111 North River Road
60018 Rosemont Illinois

Certifica la tua azienda. Richiedi ID anticontraffazione Certifica che la tua Azienda è in possesso dei requisiti richiesti per l’inserimento in Eccellenze Italiane e richiedere l’erogazione di un ID Anticontraffazione, che sarà impresso sul certificato e sulla vetrofania che provvederemo a consegnarti e potrai poi esporre al pubblico.
Segnala un’eccellenza Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
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ristoranti Gusto Divino